
Showing posts from April, 2018

16 Science-Backed Ways to Overcome Depression Naturally!

  1. Spend at least one hour each week with a close friend: In a British study, when 86 depressed women were paired with a volunteer friend, 65 percent of the women felt better. In fact, regular social contact worked as effectively as antidepressant medication and psychotherapy. Regular social contact with a close friend may boost self-confidence and encourage you to make other positive changes that will help in overcoming depression, such as starting an exercise program.  2. Play with a dog a few minutes every day:   When non-pet owners played with a dog for just a few minutes a day as part of a University of Missouri study, blood levels of the brain chemicals serotonin and oxytocin—both mood elevators—rose. Science has already proven these surprising health benefits of having a pet, but you don’t need to own a dog to experience these feel-good effects for overcoming depression (although dogs are great antidotes to the kind of chronic stress that...

Thinning Hair? Doctors Recommend This At-Home Trick!

Hair loss is not just a guy’s problem. If you’re starting to see your strands thinning, consider trying this simple at-home strategy: scalp massage, which may promote hair growth. “A scalp massage can increase blood flow to the scalp and to the hair follicles,” explains Debra Jaliman, MD, a dermatologist in private practice on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. A study in the January 2016 issue of ePlasty shows that just four minutes of scalp massage a day increases activity among genes known to promote hair growth, and dials down the activity of genes linked to hair loss and inflammation. What’s more, study participants also noted an improvement in hair thickness. “Gentle massaging of the scalp can increase blood flow to the hair follicle, the root of the hair, which is the only living part of the hair,” says Abraham Armani, MD, medical director of Armani Medical Hair Restoration in Dallas. “Massaging works by dilating the very small arteries within the scalp, increasing blood flow to...

20 Surprising Addictions!

Addictions are a serious social problem. While you may be familiar with the idea of alcohol or drug addictions, you might be surprised to learn about some other kinds. Not all of them are recognized by the medical establishment, but they are very real. 1. Except for love at first sight, most relationships begin with a seduction stage. After it’s over, the relationship evolves into something else. People who are seduction addicts, like Don Juan, never satisfy their desire for new conquests. Once their prey falls under their spell, they drop them in pursuit of someone new. 2. For most people, tanning is a fun activity that you do from time to time, like when you’re on vacation. But for others, it can be a real addiction. The phenomenon is known as tanorexia, and those who suffer from it are addicted to tanning. What’s the difference between tanorexics and those who simply love the sun? They have an uncontrollable urge to tan and are “literally addicted to ultraviolet (UV) rays.”...

7 Signs You Are Losing Weight, Even When The Scale's Being Rude!

Unfortunately, the metric we've been relying on for decades - numbers on a scale - isn't always indicative of the progress you're making in your weight-loss journey. In fact, some really powerful transformations that appear to be slim downs involve very few pounds lost - some even have gained weight! Here are some little victories to keep an eye out for - track this progress just as much if not more so than you're tracking your shed pounds. 1. Your clothes are a little loose. One of the best indicators that you're making progress? How your clothes fit. If you notice you're having to keep your pants from falling down or adjusting loose clothing that used to feel tight, make a note of it and celebrate! 2. You feel stronger. Tone It Up's Katrina Scott told POPSUGAR that when she was on her own weight-loss journey, the first thing she noticed was that she was able to run around her block. Before she started getting in shape, that small tas...