Discover which foods help strengthen your memory!

Some changes in your diet can help to slow brain aging and enhance memory.


1. Salmon 

The omega-3 found in salmon is a fatty acid important for brain function and cognitive functions.  

2. Flaxseed 

Another important source of omega-3, flaxseed, also makes the list when it comes to good foods for your memory. You'll get added benefits when the seeds start to germinate.

3. Egg yolk 

Egg yolk contains choline, a very important amino acid for the nerve cells and memory. It's great for your overall health.  

4. Saffron 

Helps to inhibit the death of nerve cells. Saffron should be added to food once a day. Do not exceed one teaspoon.

5. Grapes 

Grapes have fisetin and are rich in flavonoids. Together, they help to regenerate cells, preventing the death of neurons.  

6. Wine 

Wine has the same benefits as grapes. Plus it's an antioxidant.  

7. Quinoa 

Quinoa speeds up the exchange of brain signals and consequently strengthens your memory.

8. Green Tea 

Rich in flavonoids, green tea's effect is similar to the ones produced by wine and grapes, which are important for maintaining and developing good memory.  

9. Ginseng 

A teaspoon of ginseng juice in the morning will make you feel more alert as it increases dopamine, the hormone responsible for this function.  

10. Strawberries 

Strawberries are also rich in the photo-chemical fisetine. This is excellent for your memory because it strengthens it and also stimulates the formation of new connections between neurons.  

11. Blueberries

High in antioxidants and rich in vitamin C, blueberries have been used in several studies conducted to prevent memory loss.

12. Fish oil 

Fish oil is rich in omega-3. This substance is essential for developing and maintaining brain tissue.  

13. Avocado 

Avocados contain vitamin B3 (niacin), which helps in maintaining nervous chemical substances and hormones that regulate memory.

14. Pumpkin seeds 

Another food rich in omega 3 and zinc. Pumpkin seeds contribute to maintain the part of the brain that balances the sensory function.

15. Chocolate 

'Real' chocolate is made with milk, is dark color and has a small percentage of cocoa. Consuming small bits of chocolate will fuel you with antioxidants and improve your memory.

16. Barbados Cherry 

Rich in vitamin C, this cherry fights toxic reactions that occur in your nervous system cells. It's also vital for the production of acetylcholine, which plays an important role in brain development.

17. Almonds 

Almonds contains vitamin B2 (riboflavin) which regulates Glutathione; one of the biggest cell protectors against the action of free radicals.

18. Peanuts 

They contain vitamin B3 (niacin) which works in the maintenance of nervous chemical substances and hormones responsible for regulating memory.

19. Rice 

In addition to being rich in vitamin B2, rice also contains magnesium. This element is present in the NMDA receptors of the hippocampus, where memory is formed.

20. Oats

A source of vitamin B2 (Thiamine), they are also essential for transforming glucose into energy that fuels brain function.  

21. Hazelnuts 

Hazelnuts are rich in thiamine and the benefits to our bodies are similar to the ones found in oats.  

22. Olive oil 

Extra virgin olive oil has healthy fats that are good for your brain. These fats help in the formation of myelin, a layer that surrounds practically all nervous tissue cells.

23. Banana

Banana has a great quantity of vitamin B6, which is important for building neurotransmitters.



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